It's been a bit since I've used this. This account in particular has really just been a reminder of my more cringe-inducing past online, but I've been working more on my art/animation and the absolute revival of Newgrounds into more mainstream new age online artistic communities has reminded me why I loved this platform in the past and why I still do.
I know it's a bit sappy to say but seeing Newgrounds continue to be recognized by artists and nonartists alike as the place of free artistic expression that it is fills me up with all kinds of warm fuzzies. And as I get closer and closer to my dreaded college years and do my best to actually launch my career as (hopefully) some sort of animator, I felt like I should probably at least try to make something of a comeback on here as it was the place that originally inspired me in this dream.
I'll probably post some of my art shortly and will continue to do so as I make it, maybe post some WIPs of animations that I've started recently, but for now, uh...